What Is The Product?

interact review

In this Interact Review I’m going to discuss how you can use the power of quizzes and contests to build your business online. Interact is a quiz builder and contest creation tool designed with the purpose of generating leads for your business. 

Interact Review

Interact is a high end software solution designed to help entrepreneurs and business owners grow their email list with quizzes and contests. Many well known marketers use quizzes to engage with their readers in order to generate leads. 

Here is an example of Tony Robbins using the DISC quiz to help people “discover what drives you”. In order to get your results at the end you are required to enter your email address.

Interact Quizzes:

Interact allows you to choose what type of quiz you want to create when starting out. You can choose to build an assessment based quiz which is more based on testing knowledge, a personality quiz which is one of the most common types or a score based quiz.

interact quiz types

Interact also allows you to build simple quizzes using pre-formatted templates, here is a sample of what some of those templates look like:

interact quiz templates

You can either choose to go with a blank template or use one of the pre-existing templates you can modify as needed. They give you a whole wide range of templates depending on the quiz type you choose.

Once you’ve picked your template you are able to modify all of the existing fields. The builder reminds me a lot of the customization inside of Leadpages. You can customize colors, branding, questions, images and more.

One thing that really stood out to me was the relationship builder in the quiz tool, you can very easily correlate specific answers to an end result as seen here:

interact quiz correlations

Contests with Interact:

I really liked that Interact was not only a quiz builder tool but also allows you to build out contest pages as well. I felt overall the quiz functionality was the “bread and butter” of the software and the contests section was not quite as built out as something such as Rafflecopter.

Despite that you can very easily run a social media entry based contest with Interact. You simply sync up your social account profile and configure the contest with a start and end time, your email marketing system and you are ready to roll.

interact contests

Email & Other Integration with Interact:

All of the major email marketing providers allow for you to connect your email system to Interact. I use Convertkit for all of my email marketing so if I wanted to setup a specialized tag or form within my Convertkit system I could very easily move all of my leads collected through quizzes or contests into Convertkit.

You can also use other well known platforms such as GetResponse, Mailchimp, Aweber, Infusionsoft and lots more.

Check out my video review and walk through of Interact here:

What I Like About Interact

Interact is very easy to use and everything can be customized. Overall the quiz functionality is really easy to setup and very fully featured. I didn’t have any issues attempting to create my own quiz and customize it with my own questions. 

I really see the potential for using this as a lead generation tool and that’s exactly what the purpose of interact is. If you can setup an engaging quiz or contest you can grow your email list substantially to start selling products and building your audience.

Here is a general run down of the features you get with Interact:

  • Create different types of quizzes – Personality and Assesment
  • Create contests with built in social sharing and a count down timer
  • Integrated with most major email marketing platforms
  • Use pre-existing templates for quizzes and contests – There are a ton of them!
  • Embed quizzes or contests on your own website
  • Real time analytics and reporting
  • Implement Google Analytics and Conversion Tracking with Facebook
  • Phone support
  • Custom branding

What I Didn’t Like About Interact

Overall I found the software very easy to use, I didn’t run into any issues using the software with the exception of in my review video you will see I had a slight delay trying to save and publish a quiz. I’d say the only downside to this software is that it is a monthly fee. If you are going with a monthly plan you are looking at $50/month minimum to get started.

The way I’d look at this is if you have the intent to really grow your email list and start generating leads which you can turn into paying customers, that $50/month shouldn’t set you back. This is a powerful lead generation tool that shouldn’t be overlooked.

If you really don’t have the monthly budget and are just looking for a quiz builder (no contests) I’d suggest looking at Thrive Quiz Builder which is a WordPress plugin and has a one time cost.

  • 8.5/10
    Interact Review - 8.5/10


Interact is very easy to use and everything can be customized. Overall the quiz functionality is really easy to setup and very fully featured. I didn’t have any issues attempting to create my own quiz and customize it with my own questions.

I really see the potential for using this as a lead generation tool and that’s exactly what the purpose of interact is. If you can setup an engaging quiz or contest you can grow your email list substantially to start selling products and building your audience.

Interact Bonus – My Landing Page Course

If you decide to pickup Interact through me I will throw in a free copy of my course on how to build landing pages with WordPress. This is the perfect combination for creating a stylish looking landing page with your quiz or contest to start generating leads for your business.

Click here to get Interact and My Landing Page Course Bonus

*Note – You will need to contact me to get your bonus. 

About the Author

I'm John, I'm just an honest entrepreneur here to speak the truth about internet marketing.

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